NIRA Temp RPM Thermometer 1 unit with 12 month membership – Out of Stock


NIRA Temp wearable health aid for Remote Patient Monitoring with 12-month membership (single unit)

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NIRA Temp is a wearable health aid that fits on the upper arm and monitors body temperature continuously. When used properly it automatically uploads body temperature data to an app that comes with the device.

NIRA Temp for RPM is a tool that practices can use to start a Remote Patient Monitoring program for their most at-risk patients. It is a wireless patent-pending device that is highly accurate, currently complies with FDA rules for temperature reading devices, and will soon be accepted as FDA compliant for body temperature detection and reporting when used in conjunction with the app.

Practices providing the NIRA Temp device to patients are able to initiate Remote Patient Monitoring for patients and bill for it, provided the patient collects over 16 days of data per calendar month.


This item comes with 1 NIRA Temp wearable device and a 12-month app membership. Practices will receive instructions on how to set up patients with the device on their phone, and how to get the patient to agree to share their information with the practice.